Friday, March 30, 2012


5 days old

I might have taken you to the mall. Grandma Barrand was here and I just wanted to get out. You pretty much slept the whole time. Everyone thought you were the cutest baby and couldn't believe we were out. I thought I didn’t need the help but i’m so glad grandma was here to help.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


March 25,2012

You're here!!! Oh I already love you so much. You are the most handsome baby. Your dad and I decided your name a long time ago and i’m so glad to have you. Giving birth to you was the greatest. I thought it was actually really fun. Well only because I had an epidural (good choice in my mind). Your doctor (Dr. Rees) gave you a mohawk before you were even born. I can’t Believe I’m a mother.

didn't prefer the whole experience before that. Your dad and I went to the movie's (Hunger Games) on Friday and around 4 a.m. I started contracting. Went to the hospital and around 6a.m. but I was only at 3 and they sent me home. So we went to McDonalds and I had contraction all day. It was not a fun excpereicen I just want to sleep or have the contraction come closer. That's what I kept praying for. 12 hours later from the first time we went to the hospital we tried again. If I would have know that the Color festival was going ton I would have left when I started have them 1 min apart, but your dad want us to make sure that this was for reals. Usually it take us 5 min to get to the free way and with the 8,000 people down in Spanish Fork it took an hour. I felt like I was in a movie, because the timing couldn't be worse.  your dad yelled "MY WIFE IS PREGNANT" at someone that kept letting people in front of us because I was in so much pain. The guy flipped us off:(

It all ened up being ok cause I wasn't that much more dilated, luckily they keep us there, I didn't want to go home. It only took them five trys and two huge bruises to get the iv in. After the epideral kicked in I loved it all.


Friday, March 16, 2012


Thanks for not giving me any stretch mark. One of my favorite things was you kickin all the time, I really mean all the time, anytime I wanted someone to feel you kick you perform. Thanks.

Mom (wow that's serial)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I have loved being pregnant, you were simply the best. I was only sick for the first couple weeks and uncomfortable the last two weeks.

I'm so so so sorry that I craved Diet Coke. I would have McDonalds oatmeal and a Large Diet Coke about every morning.